
Day 21 - Humphrey in the fog

I took a ride by the farm down the street. It was really foggy and I wondered what kind of photos I could get of the horses and Humphrey the camel in the fog. Not bad huh?


Midnitecreations - Renu said...

Love that camel!

christie said...

I would love a camel to live down the street from me!!!

shuggy said...

humphrey. i love that name!!

Sharon said...

I really think you need a "Humphrey" don't you? you could consider it your own "Riley", not quite the same but who would have a moose as a pet LOL.

Mrs. Fence said...

Humphrey is adorable, but I love the one with the horses!

ps I posted a pic today with you in mind. Betcha guess which one on the first try! LOL